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Part Voltage Protocol Required
2xMini Breadboard Yes
ESP32-WROOM32 5V Yes
BME280 3.3V I2C Yes
SSD1306 3.3V I2C Yes
MB85RC256V 3.3V I2C
Senseair Sunrise 3.3V UART Yes


Diagram of device built on two breadboards using an SenseAir Sunrise

Prepare the breadboards

To accommodate the dimensions of CO2 sensor and ESP32-WROOM32 the two breadboards can be clipped together.

First remove the power rail from one side of each breadboard. Then clip the two boards together so that there are no power rails in the center.

Finally place one of the spare power rails that were removed onto the side of the connected boards. This second power rail will be used as the I2C bus.

Use a power rail to connect 3.3V and GND

Connect a 3.3V (+) pin and GND (-) pin of the ESP32-WROOM32 to an unused power rail +/- pair on the breadboard.

Next connect the matching VCC (3.3V) and GND (-) pins on the components listed below to the matching rail which is connected to the ESP32-WROOM32:

Use a another power rail as an I2C bus

Nominate a second power rail pair to use as an I2C bus.

Connect D22 (SCL) on the ESP32-WROOM32 to one rail in the pair and then connect D21 (SDA) to the other.

Then for each of the components listed below connect the matching SCL and SDA pins to the matching rail connected the corresponding pins on the ESP32-WROOM32: