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The Sensor Assembly is a small PCB (7cm x 3cm) on which the sensors are mounted. On the underside which is exposed when it is screwed in place is a set of 8 way right angle PCB pins.

These pins connect to the 8 way PCB socket wired to the LILYGO® TTGO T5 board.

Once completed this part will appear in as shown in the image below. Completed Sensor Assembly for a Senseair Sunrise CO2 sensor

NOTE: This requires a custom Sensor Assembly PCB which means these steps can be performed in minutes, for a manually wired board see the manually wired universal pcb instructions.


Part Description
SensorAssemblyV1.0 See
006-0-0007 or 006-0-0008 Senseair Sunrise CO2 sensor
BME280-5V BME280 breakout board the 4 pin version which is usually labeled as supporting 5v due to the regulator used
2.54mm socket 4 Way 1 Row Straight PCB Socket Through Hole
2.54mm pin header 4 Way, 1 row, straight pin header
2.54mm pin header 5 Way, 1 row, straight pin header
2.54mm pin header 8 Way, 1 row, right angle pin header

Build Steps

Step 1 - Attach the 8 way right angle pin header

Get the following parts ready before starting this step.

Part Description
SensorAssemblyV1.0 The Sensor Assembly PCB (See
2.54mm pin header 8 Way, 1 row, right angle pin header
Parts required for step 1 of assembly

Solder the 8 way pin header to the PCB on the holes marked "BOARDPINS". The pins must face inwards towards the other end of the PCB.

After completing this step the PCB should appear as in the image below.

PCB after step 1 has been completed

Step 2 - Mounting CO2 Sensor pin headers

Get the following parts ready before starting this step.

Part Description
SensorAssemblyV1.0 See
2.54mm pin header 4 Way, 1 row, straight pin header
2.54mm pin header 5 Way, 1 row, straight pin header

The pin headers need to be adjusted so that the minimum length extrudes from the rear of the PCB. The pins will stick out on the PCB side to which the sensor is attached. This is the side of the PCB that the pins are labeled.

This is important to allow the PCB to fit within the case, in particular by not putting pressure on the battery.

The parts for this step are shown in the following image:-

Parts required for step 2 of assembly
  1. Solder the 5 way pin header to the 5 holes marked "Sunrise 1" on the PCB. The pins should stick out on the side which is labeled "Sunrise 1" and an extrusion on the other side of the PCB must be minimised.
  2. Solder the 4 way pin header to the 4 holes marked "Sunrise 2" on the PCB. The pins should stick out on the side which is labeled "Sunrise 2" and an extrusion on the other side of the PCB must be minimised.

The PCB will appear as shown in the image below when this step is completed.

PCB after step 2 has been completed

Step 3 - Attach 4 way PCB Socket for BME280 board

Get the following parts ready before starting this step.

Part Description
SensorAssemblyV1.0 See
2.54mm socket 4 Way 1 Row Straight PCB Socket Through Hole
Parts required for step 3 of assembly
  1. Locate the BME280 holes on the PCB.
  2. Mount the 4 way socket using solder on the side which is labeled BME280.

The PCB will appear as shown in the image below when this step is completed.

PCB after step 3 has been completed

Step 4 - Attach Sunrise CO2 Sensor

Get the following parts ready before starting this step.

Part Description
SensorAssemblyV1.0 See
006-0-0007 or 006-0-0008 Senseair Sunrise CO2 sensor

Place the Senseair Sunrise CO2 sensor on the pins attached in Step 2. The pins must align exactly with the Senseair Sunrise PCB if they don't they have not been mounted correctly.

Parts required for step 4 of assembly

Solder each of the pin headers to the Senseair Sunrise sensor PCB. The PCB will appear as shown in the image below when this step is completed.

PCB after step 4 has been completed